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Edit files metadata

Add the URL for GDC downloads to the UUIDs of files in the metadata table

The first column in the metadata file gdc_sample_sheet.yyyy-mm-dd.tsv has File ID as a header. FILE ID actually stands for UUID, which in turn means Unique Universal Identifier. This UUID allows to find files in the GDC repository file system, provided that the correct URL is formed with the UUID.

Thus, to download the file whose File Name (second column) is 2a3814fb-e9b1-404c-95da-db348ecfa14a.FPKM.txt.gz it suffices to form the following URL
by adding the prefix string to the UUID of the file 2a3814fb-e9b1-404c-95da-db348ecfa14a.FPKM.txt.gz, namely 0d3ddab0-4c6e-4f96-88dc-3c9813d9c292

You can already test this URL by copying and pasting it in your web browser. This should trigger the download of a file named 2a3814fb-e9b1-404c-95da-db348ecfa14a.FPKM.txt.gz

If you are able to use a linux terminal in your computer, you can also use the same URL in the following command line:

curl --remote-name --remote-header-name ''

This will also trigger locally the download of the 2a3814fb-e9b1-404c-95da-db348ecfa14a.FPKM.txt.gz file.

In addition, you can modify this command line by concatenating several UUIDs separated by commas, resulting in the download of the several corresponding files. Thus, this command:

curl --remote-name --remote-header-name ',cc802aa8-e299-40c3-9539-a854ef950ff6,85310996-75c9-4b5b-a16e-406cde0a3373,0dc459fe-ac56-42af-9c99-3fe3e14bc156'
triggers the download of the files:
In a gzipped archive gdc_download_20200219_152427.247343.tar.gz

So far, so good. However we agree that we should not repeat this operation for > 5 files and we need a more automated procedure.

SED in rescue

First of all, we are going to replace all UUIDs in the first column of the gdc_sample_sheet.yyyy-mm-dd.tsv metadata file, by the corresponding URL for downloads.

This can be done using regular expressions. If your text editor has regex replace function, it is fine using it. Here we show how to do it in a terminal with the sed program, which will work in linux and MacOSX environments:

sed -i '.bak' -E  's#^([^F])#\1#' /home/chris/DOWNLOADS/gdc_sample_sheet.2020-02-19.tsv

-i option triggers the backup of the file in case of problems in the search/replace procedure

-E is for using modern regular expressions

s# is the substitute fonction (s) of sed

#^([^F])# is the search expression between 2 #. It searches for a motif at the beginning of a line ^ that is not an F (allowing to skip the first header line) and capture it in the \1 variable

#\1# is the replacement expression, \1 being the content of the variable \1 being captured by the parenthesis in the search expression.


/home/chris/DOWNLOADS/gdc_sample_sheet.2020-02-19.tsv is the path to the file to be edited by sed.

This sed command should generate de following transformed gdc_sample_sheet.2020-02-19.tsv

File ID File Name   Data Category   Data Type   Project ID  Case ID Sample ID   Sample Type    2a3814fb-e9b1-404c-95da-db348ecfa14a.FPKM.txt.gz    Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification  TARGET-AML  TARGET-20-PAEFGT    TARGET-20-PAEFGT-03A    Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood    6f475a4d-53ea-4110-b80f-d519289d41f9.FPKM.txt.gz    Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification  TARGET-AML  TARGET-20-PASMHY    TARGET-20-PASMHY-03A    Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood    7d07636d-e4cb-4642-83ee-c04b21d15227.FPKM.txt.gz    Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification  TARGET-AML  TARGET-20-PASWAJ    TARGET-20-PASWAJ-04A    Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow    a405cab4-28d0-4cf3-b3c0-2007539002f3.FPKM.txt.gz    Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification  TARGET-AML  TARGET-20-PAMVKZ    TARGET-20-PAMVKZ-09A    Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow    a9fd9d1c-348f-41a9-9da2-a72981ef1ae5.FPKM.txt.gz    Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification  TARGET-AML  TARGET-20-PANFMG    TARGET-20-PANFMG-09A    Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow    bd29f662-4f53-43ce-ad0f-ebcb62546109.FPKM.txt.gz    Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification  TARGET-AML  TARGET-20-PAMYGX    TARGET-20-PAMYGX-09A    Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow    f49764c5-6b18-435a-90de-64f114a4ce89.FPKM.txt.gz    Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification  TARGET-AML  TARGET-20-PASVVS    TARGET-20-PASVVS-04A    Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow    2f601196-beaf-4a1e-91ee-72ef1de17f98.FPKM.txt.gz    Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification  TARGET-AML  TARGET-20-PANHYK    TARGET-20-PANHYK-09A    Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow    50b79e4d-0e67-4d79-914f-924e0ea920d9.FPKM.txt.gz    Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification  TARGET-AML  TARGET-20-PAPWYK    TARGET-20-PAPWYK-09A    Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow    b5514b40-5b8b-4faf-a202-49438c386032.FPKM.txt.gz    Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification  TARGET-AML  TARGET-20-PARGVC    TARGET-20-PARGVC-03A    Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood

the original file being backed up in gdc_sample_sheet.2020-02-19.tsv.bak

Et Voilà... We can now use this metada file to upload all expression data files we have selected in Galaxy.