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Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis

Analyzing GO Enrichment from DEGs

Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis is used to identify biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions that are significantly over-represented (or under-represented) in a set of genes compared to a background list. This is particularly valuable when analyzing differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified from RNA-seq or microarray experiments.

Individual Gene Analysis (IGA)

  • Concept

This approach tests each GO term individually for enrichment within the DEG list.

  • Methods:

    • Hypergeometric test: Calculates the probability of observing the number of DEGs in a specific GO term by chance.
    • Fisher's exact test: Similar to the hypergeometric test but suitable for smaller datasets.
  • Limitations:

    • Ignores the hierarchical structure of GO, potentially missing related terms.
    • Susceptible to multiple testing issues, requiring correction methods like Bonferroni adjustment.
  • Advanced Considerations:

    • Multiple Testing Correction: As mentioned, IGA is susceptible to multiple testing issues. Here are some commonly used correction methods:
      • Bonferroni adjustment: A conservative approach that controls the family-wise error rate (FWER) but can be overly stringent.
      • Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure: Controls the false discovery rate (FDR) and is less conservative than Bonferroni.
      • False discovery rate (q-value): Provides a measure of significance adjusted for multiple testing.
    • Gene Ontology Consortium (GOC) recommendations: The GOC recommends using a combination of statistical significance (p-value) and fold change thresholds to identify relevant enriched terms, acknowledging the limitations of p-values alone.

Gene Set Analysis (GSA)

  • Concept:

Considers the entire set of DEGs and their relationships within the GO hierarchy.

  • Methods:

    • Pathway analysis tools: Tools like Enrichr, clusterProfiler, and GSEA analyze pre-defined gene sets like KEGG pathways and analyze enrichment within DEGs.
    • GO-based GSA methods:
      • Rank-based approaches: Assign a rank to each gene based on its differential expression and analyze enrichment within ranked gene sets. (e.g., GSEA)
      • Permutation-based approaches: Randomly shuffle gene labels and recalculate enrichment scores to assess statistical significance. (e.g., fgsea)
      • Tools like GOseq, fgsea, and piano utilize various statistical models to account for the hierarchical structure of GO and identify enriched functional categories.
  • Advantages of using GSA:

    • Incorporates information about gene relationships within the GO hierarchy, leading to more biologically relevant insights.
    • Reduces the burden of multiple testing compared to individual GO term analysis.

Advanced Methods for Deeper Exploration

  • Cluster enrichment analysis: Tools like CeaGO group related GO terms based on semantic similarity and analyze enrichment within these clusters. This approach can reveal broader functional themes beyond individual terms.
  • Network analysis: Integrating protein-protein interaction data with GO annotations allows identifying functionally connected subnetworks enriched in DEGs. This provides a network-based understanding of the underlying biological processes.

Choosing the right method

The choice of method depends on factors like:

  • Size of the DEG list: For smaller lists, IGA might be sufficient, while larger lists benefit from GSA approaches.
  • Research question: If interested in specific GO terms, IGA might be suitable. For broader functional insights, GSA is preferred.

Additional considerations

  • Over-detection bias standard methods give biased results on RNA-seq data due to over-detection of differential expression for long and highly-expressed transcripts. The goseq tool provides methods for performing GO analysis of RNA-seq data, taking length bias into account. The methods and software used by goseq are equally applicable to other category based tests of RNA-seq data, such as KEGG pathway analysis.
  • Background gene list: Choosing a relevant background list representing the genes not differentially expressed is crucial for accurate enrichment analysis.
  • Multiple testing correction: Apply appropriate correction methods to account for testing multiple GO terms simultaneously.
  • Visualization: Utilize graphical representations like bar charts or heatmaps to visualize enriched GO terms and their significance levels.