Analysis of differential gene expression in PRJNA630433 using edgeR
edgeR Analysis¶
To begin, navigate to the history PRJNA630433 FeatureCounts Counting on HISAT2 bam
and copy the three dataset collections of counts generated by FeatureCounts:
Dc FeatureCounts counts
, Mo FeatureCounts counts
and Oc FeatureCounts counts
into a
new history that you will name PRJNA630433 edgeR analysis
Then, search for edgeR
in the tool search bar
Count Files or Matrix?
→ Separate Count Files
1: Factor/Name
→ Tissue
1: Factor/1: Group
Note that there will be three Groups (ie factor levels) in this analysis: Dc, Mo and Oc.
→ Oc
Counts file(s)
→ select the data collection icon, then
15: Oc FeatureCounts counts
2: Factor/2: Group
→ Mo
Counts file(s)
→ select the data collection icon, then
10: Mo FeatureCounts counts
3: Factor level (you must click on
Insert Group
)→ Dc
Counts file(s)
→ select the data collection icon, then
5: Mo FeatureCounts counts
Use Gene Annotations?
Formula for linear model
→ Leave empty - Input contrasts manually or through a file
1 |
1: Constrast
2: Constrast (click
Insert Contrast
3: Constrast (click
Insert Contrast
Filter Low Counts
→ No, leave folded
Output options
→ Leave folded
Advanced options
→ Put
P-Value Adjusted Threshold
to 0.1 (to be consistent with DESeq settings)→ Leave other advanced options unchanged
Run Tool
Note on the order of Factors levels (Groups) in the edgeR html form
In contrast to DESeq2, the order of the Factors levels (Groups) does not matter with the edgeR approach.
This is because here you specify manually the comparison formulas. Yet, in these formula, the order of the levels matters !
Thus when we specify Mo-Dc
this implies specifically that we consider the Dc as the
reference level: we "subtract" the test level Mo
from the reference level Dc
Inspect edgeR plots¶
There is a lot of information here which we will discuss online or in live. You should also compare these plots side by side with the plots generated by DESeq2.