Use of FeatureCounts
tool on PRJNA630433
Before using FeatureCounts
ensure that you have ready:
- A bam dataset, or a collection of bam file.
- A GTF file corresponding to your reference genome
- The knowledge of you library design (strandness, single or paired-ends and orientation of reads)
- Copy the appropriate datasets (or collections) in a new history which you will name
PRJNA630433 FeatureCounts Counting on HISAT2 bam alignments
In the PRJNA630433 use case, this corresponds to 3 collections (Dc, Mo and Oc HISAT2 alignments), as well as the GTFMus_musculus.GRCm38.102.chr.gtf
, all present in your historyHISAT alignments
Alignment file
→ Click on the collection icon and select
Dc HISAT2 alignments (BAM)
Specify strand information
→ Standed (Reverse)
Gene annotation file → A GFF/GTF file in your history
→ Mus_musculus.GRCm38.102.chr.gtf
GFF feature type filter
→ exon - GFF gene identifier
→ gene_id_
On feature level
→ No (keep default). If you select "yes", the counting will be done at the exon level, since your
GFF feature type filter
Output format *
→ Gene-ID "\t" read-count (MultiQC/DESeq2/edgeR/limma-voom compatible)
Create gene-length file
→ Yes
Does the input have read pairs?
→ No, single-end
Advanced options
→ Leave folded, no advanced options !
Run Tool
Repeat the exact same operation twice for the collections Mo and Oc HISAT2 alignments¶
use the rerun functionality !
The MultiQC tool can use to nicely summarise the FeatureCounts countings
1: Results
/Which tool was used generate logs?
→ FeatureCounts
1: Results
/Output of FeatureCounts
→ Click on the collection icon, then select the three collections generated by featureCounts and suffixed with
: Summary
(orRun Tool
in the latest Galaxy version)
examine the results by clicking the eye
icon of the generated collection
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