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Import data

We first create a working directory for our bowtie alignment and import the required input data in it:

mkdir ~/bowtie_work && cd ~/bowtie_work
wget \
Check the imported files using:

We also need to uncompress the .gz files

gunzip *.gz
you can check the result by
ll -rt

Install required packages

We will need the bowtie and samtools programs:

apt update && apt install -y bowtie samtools

Clip fastq reads from their sequence adapter and output clipped sequences in a fasta format

cat GRH-103.fastq | \
perl -ne 'if (/^([GATC]{18,})TGGAATT/){$count++; print ">$count\n"; print "$1\n"}' \
> clipped_GRH-103.fa
Check the result with
grep -c ">" clipped_GRH-103.fa
wc -l clipped_GRH-103.fa

Prepare dmel_r6.54 bowtie index

The following command line is masked. Before unmasking it, you can try to find the appropriate command line using the man command or the --help argument

Bowtie indexing command line

time bowtie-build --threads 7 dmel-all-chromosome-r6.54.fasta dmel.r6.54
Note the time here is to indicate the time consumed to index the genome, it is optional.

Align the clipped fasta reads to dmel.r6.54 using bowtie

time bowtie dmel.r6.54 -f clipped_GRH-103.fa \
                       -v 0 \
                       -k 1 \
                       -p 7 \
                       --al dmel_matched_GRH-103.fa \
                       --un unmatched_GRH-103.fa \
                       -S \
                       > GRH-103.sam

Convert SAM file to BAM file and sort the alignments by chromosome positions

samtools view -Sb -@ 7 GRH-103.sam | samtools sort -@ 4 -o GRH-103.bam
Check the result using
samtools view GRH-103.bam | more