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Emergency image

In case of big, big troubles with your VM instance

There is an image that you can use to start quickly a new instance.

The VM deployed using this image will have a running Galaxy server with all datasets preloaded in the histories. This way, you can follow the training tomorrow and the days after.

Take a breath, and let's do it !

BEFORE EVERYTHING, say "Help !" in the slack, chanel #galaxy. And most importantly, indicate your email address and the external IP address of your sick instance.

I will review remotely the issues and say go/no go for using the emergency image.

If it's GO !

  1. Go to your compute engine dashbord
  2. Stop your sick instance (you can even destroy it if you are sure it is really sick)
  4. Give a new name to your instance (galaxy-backup for instance)
  5. Region: somewhere in Europe
  6. Zone: where you can
  7. Click on Usage général / E2 / PRÉDÉFINI
  8. In the menu PRÉDÉFINI, select Standard / e2-standard-8
  9. Type de Machine: e2-standard-8
  10. Click at the bottom the check boxe Autoriser le trafic HTTP

This is for the easy part.

Now the tricky part, using illustrations.

  1. Click MODIFIER in the Disque de démarrage section
  3. Click - really click - on MODIFIER of the field Projet source pour les images *
  4. Then, on the popup panel, click again the TOUS tab !
  5. Now, you should see analyse-genomes-2023 appearing in the list ! Click this item, and check that now the Projet source pour les images has become analyse-genomes-2023
  6. Click on the scroll-down menu Image*, and select the image ag2023-image


  7. The remaining fields should automatically fill in (Disque persistant avec équilibrage and 200 Go)

  8. If you have this:

    form image personnalisee

You can click on SELECTIONNER

  1. Back to the main panel, click on DEMARRER

Almost rescued !

  • go back to your Google Cloud engine dashboard.
  • Click on the external IP address
  • Click on Login/Register. This time, you do not have to register, this is already done ! Just put as Email Address and ag2023 as Password.
  • You are DONE 🎉 ! Back in a fresh, clean Galaxy server, with preloaded datasets and reference genome !