Prepare your input data history

  1. Rename your Unnamed history to Input Dataset and collections
  2. Go to menu Shared Data--> Data Libraries (Données Partagées --> Bibliothèque de Données)

  3. Choose Mouse Genetics library

  4. Select the 4 fastq files (A_R1.fastq, A_R2.fastq, B_R1.fastq and B_R2.fastq)
  5. Select the To History tab --> as datasets

  6. Select your freshly renamed Input Dataset and collections in the select history menu

  7. Click Import button
  8. After the import, navigate directly to this history by clicking the green warning
  9. Prepare two collections from your raw input datasets.

    • Toggle the "checkbox" mode by clicking the small checkbox icon at the top of the history bar

    • Select the 2 A fastq files OR the 2 B fasq files (not all 4 files, choose as you feel it!)

    • Select Build List of Dataset Pairs from the tab Pour toute la sélection

    • in the pop up window, replace _1 by _R1 and _2 by _R2

    • Click the Pair these datasets tab

    • Name your new "paired dataset" collection with a single element A_fastq (or B_fastq if you chose the B fastq file at the previous step) and click on Create list

    • Back to your history, that is still in "checkbox" mode, select the 4 fastq files, and repeat the operation to produce this time a collection of 2 paired-sequences element, which you will name this time patient sequences

    • Time to start the analysis: Select the Copy datasetsin the history "wheel" menu

    • Select the first collection with a single element (A or B) that you first prepared

    • in the destination history area, fill the New history named field with Single sequence dataset analysis and click the Copy History Items button
    • Click the link that shows up to navigate directely to this new history !