Read Coverage using the Bamcoverage tool

Select the tool bamCoverage generates a coverage bigWig file from a given BAM or CRAM file (Galaxy Version

  • BAM/CRAM file: Dataset Collection and Map with BWA-MEM on collection 3 (mapped reads in BAM format)
  • Bin size in bases: 100
  • Scaling/Normalization method: Do not normalize or scale
  • Coverage file format: bigWig
  • Compute an exact scaling factor: no
  • Region of the genome to limit the operation to: chr9
  • Show advanced options: yes
  • Ignore missing data?: yes

Other options unchanged

  • run the tool

  • rerun the tool paying attention to

    • reselect BAM/CRAM file: Dataset Collection and Map with BWA-MEM on collection 3 (mapped reads in BAM format)
      • Region of the genome to limit the operation to: chr22